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Gold Membership Program

learn at your own pace, at your own time.

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Who can learn?:

Lessons range from very beginner chord basics, all the way to extremely advanced hymn playing.

The goal of the membership program is to guide you in becoming the greatest gospel piano player that you can be.



Why choose the gold program at Savannah Clark Music?

As for me, I have been playing gospel music for 18 years. I have been a church pianist since I was 11 years old. I also have a Bachelors Degree in piano.

You are not learning from someone who just half way knows what they are talking about. I have lived it, and breathed it all my life- and eventually made my career out of it.


What is included?

The gold membership lessons are pre-recorded videos that ONLY YOU will have access to as a member. You can watch them over and over, as many times as you'd like. If you don't understand something, you can pause it and rewind- all with an overhead view of the piano keys for visual learners as well.

With each video, a printable guide will also be accessible to help assist you.


Do I have to know how to read sheet music? 

No! You do not have to know how to read sheet music, although for those that like to, there will be some sheet music offered with select videos.


Can children learn from this? 

This program may not be suitable for YOUNG beginners- but for ages 6 and up, I believe anyone could learn with a bit of help from parents.


Do I have to commit? 

Once you sign up, you commit to 12 months of learning. After this, you can renew your subscription, or cancel it.



ready to sign up?

watch a sample video

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